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Sue travelled to London as part of an Australian contingent for the annual premium Australian wine tasting at Australia House on The Strand.  The focus of the forums this year was 21st Century Vino - looking at the Italian varieties in Australia, lead by Walter Speller & Jane Faulkner.

Bellwether was very proud to be part of this event, it was a defining moment in history for us, taking the brave step to visit the UK and tell them our story.

Bellwether is based on the long term future, with the impacts of climate change front and centre. That is why we focus on cold climates for the classics and Mediterranean varieties in drier regions. The progress of these varieties has been grower & winemaker lead, based on quality.  The benefit is savoury, textural wines with natural acid.

Discussion in the forums was so optimistic about the agility and excitement in Australia right now. It was fantastic to be involved and journos, MWs, sommeliers & distributors loved the wines!


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